And we are back for another week of news from Disneyland Paris! As we wait for the big reveal of what’s in store for 2025, it’s a been pretty standard news week but we still have some interesting updates. Let’s take a look!
World Premiere

It’s been a while since Studio 1 closed now and we’ve all been wondering that’s going on behind these blacked out windows. Well- this week Walt Disney Imagineering gave us a little teaser.

The large sets have arrived in the show building and are being installed on the park-side doors. But of course …

… looking …

… at the concept art…

… there is probably a ton more going on in there and we can’t wait to see more as the venue rushes towards a Spring 2025 opening. Will it be open in time for the park’s anniversary (March 16) or the Resort’s anniversary (April 12)?

This release felt kinda random until we relaxed our two dads were in town and probably toured World Premiere and a chunk of Disney Adventure World.

With the end of the Disney Jr. Dream Factory, Disneyland Paris will launch a 12 min “name that song” happening with Minnie and WTFI Jamie on November 1. For a Resort that struggles to get any type of quality investment, what a waste of this beautiful theater and set design.

It’s called Minnie’s Musical Moment and clearly I feel strongly about this.
Construction and Refurbishments

Let’s fly away to Disney Adventure World in this week’s construction photo dump!

It’s a good year to be a rockwork company as the North Mountain is getting more impressive by the day. Arendelle Town façades are also coming together and there’s no doubt at this point that this is all gonna turn out wonderful.

Closer to the front, Adventure Way is also progressing but it’s still a bit of a mess.

Since we’re up there, let’s also take a look at Disney Village which – we tend to forget – has a ton of simultaneous projects ongoing: the new McDonald’s, the lakefront remodeling, repaving of the main thruway, the new shops, and paving of the resort hub.

Also at Disney Village, Planet Hollywood has reached the rubble stage. So long!

On Rue de Paris, the food chalets are gone for maintenance and retheming. They’ll be back for the winter edition from Nov 9, 2024 to March 16, 2025.

Over at Disneyland Park, walls are coming down on one of the last Castle Courtyard spot to get refurbished. It all looks great!

Refurbishment is also still ongoing at Castle Stage and look at that original 1992 concrete. It’s expected to continue until Spring 2025.

In Fantasyland we’ve got this nice new sign for the Princess Pavilion.

And over in Adventureland – well if it isn’t the suspended bridge, back open!

Christmas merchandise continues to arrive in shops. It feels like it’s been tricking in for months now.

The Disneyland Hotel has released this lovely Christmas bauble (€30).

But gifting season is also a great time to launch new collections like this character based assortment…

Or the extensive new “Castle” collection, celebrating our one and only icon.
This and That..

The “My Royal Dream” makeover experience at the Disneyland Hotel is now open to all Guests. It had until today been reserved for Disneyland Hotel Guests. Booking is required via the official app. No discounts apply.

I just love this early morning photo of Sleeping Beauty Castle. Our team has so many talents.