We are back with a new weekly report! As usual we take a look at Avengers Campus, the replacement of Panoramagique, AP news and more. Let’s go!
Avengers Campus

Saying that Avengers Campus is down to the finishing details is an understatement, as PYM Kitchen is getting the weathering effects ! Restaurants are the “most late” part of the land so this is good news.

The sign is ready and waiting of course (surely will get a bit of polish).

Some filming was ongoing as well, probably for promotional materials.

We also saw the bins which are plain in the front and have a “shockwave” design on the sides.

The Avengers Assemble: Flight Force marquis is looking great – it’s a video screen!

The entrance “Portal Shop” is also getting fitted.

As wr rush towards the July 20 opening date, a flurry of preview days have been announced, with cast previews as early as July 2 (embargoed) and media events from July 9.
AP Holders will get a chance to visit from July 16 for Infinity APs and July 17-19 for Infinity and Magic+. 15 min slots will be allocated through the day with an option to choose a dining session at PYM Kitchen (90 min after entry). Booking will be available June 30 on the AP Platform so.. happy Hunger Games.

Avengers Campus Paris is also getting ready to open “online” with the map finally updated in HD On the website (soon in the app). Guests generally have voiced their disappointment with the cheap looking characters “PNG” on top of the buildings.

Somewhat related to Avengers Campus is Production Courtyard which is now fully free of any stage and ready to welcome the big switchback queue to enter the land when it’s at capacity. It will be a fun wait I promise. On each corner of the plaza, the light and sound towers are being repainted “Blending Blue” so merge better into the vibe of Avengers Campus.

We also got the chance to receive this cool Avengers Campus Paris metal card that links to the press release (note this is just a – fun – marketing material and nothing else).
AP System Updates

It’s become a little less miserable to try to visit with an AP after the Resort introduced a Wait List. If a date is full, you can now request to be put on the waitlist and the system will automatically sign you up and send you and update email if the date frees us. Note however that being on the list DOES count as one of your 3 visit slots so play the game carefully.

This is the email confirming the wait list subscription. The news made a big splash especially in the US where guests are also dealing with the same kinda of woes as we are and are wondering if the system will come to their parks if it is successful in Paris. Personally I think it’s a good addition as I don’t have to check 10 times a day if a date frees up any longer, saving quite a bit of time and effort.

Upgrades are also happening on the ground with a new ticket system when you need to renew your AP. Return at the time ok the ticket to wait less time. More exciting upgrades are in the pipeline and we’ll talk about these very soon.
Maintenance & Refurbishment

There’s a new Panoramagique balloon in town!

It’s always a fascinating process and the new enveloppe looks great with “flying” Disney Characters: Peter Pan, Dumbo, Buzz Lightyear and Tinker Bell!

This week was major cleaning time for the basins in Fantasia Gardens and Discoveryland, as the Resort is in glam mode before the Avengers Campus VIPs arrive. Looks great!

A sad day in Frontierland – the arch leading to the former ranch has been savagely cut off. For safety reasons.

For comparison, above is what it looked like.

Refurbishment continues at Cafe de la Brousse, depriving all of us of the sacred Dole Ship. Hopefully it comes back soon, like the menu on this menu board…

More tarps are arriving in the it’s a small world scaffolding. This is all sadly gonna take a very long time.

And the Cheshire Cat in Alice’s Curious Labyrinth was getting his summer haircut!
Frozen: a Musical Invitation

Interactive show and sing along dance along Frozen: a Musical Invitation has returned to Animation Celebration.
❄️ Welcome back, Sven! 🥰 pic.twitter.com/t3AZflLW8h
— DLP Report (@DLPReport) June 18, 2022
My favorite is of course Sven!
❄️ “Love is an Open Door” at the Season Premiere of Frozen: a Musical Invitation: pic.twitter.com/CdDR4adtBt
— DLP Report (@DLPReport) June 18, 2022
And the show features some great vocals and arrangements. Welcome back Cast and Crew! Catch the show daily every 45 min from 10:30am.
Food and Merch

Oh heeyyyyy Rocket Cafe in the back of Discoveryland has reopened out of nowhere.

The location now features new Star Wars themed snacks and the Mustafar Balls above (cheese bites with jalapeños) were a standout ! Good to see some novelty.

Talking about novelty, Cowboy Cookout BBQ is testing reusable metal cutlet this month. It’s better for the planet, a better experience than the flimsy wooden ones and also apparently a legal requirement that dine in location soon won’t be allowed to use disposable packaging and cutlery.

Mobile Order was rolled out to Hakuna Matata restaurant this week. Which brings the number of locations with mobile order at Disneyland Park to 3. Good news ! And more of this please (if possible with a better interface that works with all 3D secure payment cards).

The snack cart near Pirates of the Caribbean has also been open more often lately. It offers some #DisneylandParis30 snack, drinks and crisps.

In related food and restaurant news – Planet Hollywood at Disney Village is set to close on January 7, 2023. The building was iconic but can’t say I will miss anything else about that place.

In merchandise news, more items have arrived in the Euro Disney Remix collection: the pendant flag and small plate.

At Disney Gallery, artist duo Madame Hubert was on site Saturday to introduce their new collection of fantastic Disneyland Paris drawings. always great to have these types of art events in Paris!

Additional customizable designs have been released for Pride Month.

Merchandise from the latest Pixar film Lightyear is available in shops – and that’s some good synergy right there. The collection include the adorable robot pet SOX!

And talking about pets – robot or not – you can now get your dog a Disney bandana in various sizes and a new bowl (seen at Thunder Mesa Mercantile)