We are back to our regularly scheduled programming after the D23 Expo frenzy, covering everything happening at Disneyland Paris these last couple weeks, the extra Disneyland Paris news from the WDI Pavillon, and of course: controversy. Let’s take a look!
Based on the Animated Classic

This year at D23, Disneyland Paris shined and stunned (believe it or not the wider worldwide Disney Parks community hadn’t really followed the rumors) with the announcement of the Lion King Land. Or rather as Josh said it, the Lion King Attraction. With just one attraction, a shop and restaurant, it seems words were carefully chosen to mention the attraction but now a “land”.
Check out all the Disneyland Paris announcements of the night in our SPECIAL REPORT from last weekend.
Controversy and confusion erupted when everyone took a look at the concept art above and saw the characters from the “live action” (which technically is still entirely 3D animation) production of The Lion King. The coms teams had one single job for Paris and still managed to massively f*ck up this entire announcement as a lot of fans are still confused to this day despite our and others clarifications that the Attraction will indeed be based on THE 1994 ANIMATED CLASSIC.

So we thought we’d help and created how it could have been done. Simple, cutesy, demure.

During the night the Imagineering elves brought the extra piece to the overall model of Disney Adventure World and we can see the sheer size of the show building for this water based attraction that will take us through the story of the film. Yes, the 1994 film.

In the back of the pavilion, the “secret room” opened to reveal a large model of the land itself, with a ton of details from the marking on the trees to the seating area, shop and attraction entrances and details of the ride vehicles. For having seen it for myself, while it looks very well done it gave me a feeling of dryness and lack of shade. Of course, it’s the Savana, but it’s also a theme park with real Guests and if built as is it looks like it’s gonna be a scorcher in the summer.

Other reveals included these new concept sets with the updated land for Disney Adventure World.

Some news from the Studio 1 re-imagining into World Premiere including a concept art for Hollywood Gardens Restaurant.

And some updates from World of Frozen including the meet and greet rooms. The land, as we all now know, will open sometime in 2026. With the Walt Disney Studios Park anniversary on March 17, it sounds like the perfect date to change the name to Disney Adventure World and open Adventure Bay and World of Frozen. But of course it’s too early to tell.
And that’s our coverage of the D23 Expo. see you in two years!
Halloween and Christmas

With no press release in sight, news about Halloween and Christmas has been randomly trickling in a chaotic fashion across various channels. The Disney Electrical Sky Parade will be updated worn a new Halloween scene for the season.

Mother Gothel will make her debut in Paris. While this could’ve been a neat announcement it was found buried on some webpage.

And we also found what looks like this year’s food offerings.

For Christmas, the Disney Electrical Sky Parade will also have an updated scene.

And we randomly found out that Aurora and Philip will have a new happening in Castle Courtyard.

As the Resort ages, so are its coaster. Space Mountain is in terrible shape and had to close for technical problems most of the week.

Work is progressing on the new maintenance back in the back of the building which will hopefully allows for the necessary deep repairs to take place eventually. Everyone wants a new show, but how about it’s actually able to technicals operate at all.
Big Thunder Mountain is also on its last leg, running on fumes with temporary fixes and frequent breakdowns.
Construction and Refurbishments

Your Disney Adventure World construction photo dump of the week with a ton of activity everywhere from Arendelle to Adventure Way and the theming around Adventure Bay. Yes, I know: 2026.

The deep refurbishment of Castle Stage continue with a lot of the structure stripped out. Work is also ongoing on the bridge next to it.

More Fantasyland pavement has been reveled. While it looks very nice, the tone and quality of the stone makes it extremely easy to get dirty.

Next door, the Dodo has returned to Alice’s Curious Labyrinth.

Over on Main Street a test of a food waste only bin has been setup.

And in the chaos of the Disney Village re-imagining, work continues on the new shops, the McDonalds land clearing and the lakeside terrace.
This and That..

Some good news out of Disney Stars on Parade: Maleficent is breathing fire again after a long interruption.