“This project is the result of a mixed vision”, explains Oscar-wining director Chloé Zhao on this Tuesday presentation of her film “Eternals”, the third part of “Phase IV” in the MARVEL Cinematic Universe. Mixed.. also describes our feelings as we exit this arcane whirlwind production, half way between the exploration of the human soul and the creation of the infinite greatness.

Stronger than the Avengers, standing above human preoccupations – like trying to avoid the death of 50% of living creatures – Eternals are higher-powered beings who crossed through the ages. After the snap, ancient prophetic forces brought back to live threaten to disrupt the balance, forcing the Eternals to get back on the job.

Powered by an immense cosmic narrative, Eternals is more then ever a super-hero film, an origin story introducing a multitude of new protagonists and antagonists of the Marvel universe. With its surprising visual style and soundtrack described by its director as “bizarre”, Eternals impresses by the beauty of the landscapes and the elegance of the movements. Unfortunately the needs of the MCU don’t allow for Zhao’s characters enough room to provide a taste of unity. Used to describe describe end-of-the-month issues for its characters, it appears difficult for Zhao to address with efficiency end-of-the-world issues.

Eternals nonetheless provides a great show, engaging and emotional, opening a brand new door into the Marvel universe. It’s an impossible to miss page of the MCU, with so many distilled mysteries, up to the two puzzling post-credit scenes.