DLP Report

Catégorie : News

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Orbitron – The Refurbished Space Adventure

Orbitron is a journey to the edge of space – an adventure inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s visionary drawings of the solar system – which has been present since the Park opened in 1992. This futuristic odyssey has now

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Cars: Road Trip – local companies re-engineer Studio Tram Tour

At Disneyland Paris’s new Cars-themed attraction, Cars ROAD TRIP, guests will be transported along America’s legendary Route 66 highway to get a glimpse of some of its wacky roadside attractions and encounter some of the film’s most loveable characters.

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Disneyland Paris News & Photo Update: October 18-24, 2020

Well it’s been a relatively drama-free week at Disneyland Paris, on 2020 standards! Halloween is in full swing as we approach the end of October, construction and refurbishments continue to move along, solar power and a global merchandise release!

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Disneyland Paris News & Photo Report, October 10-17, 2020

Another week, another set of worrying 2020 news – this time it’s a new 9pm curfew. Otherwise we saw interesting developments for the Standby Pass project, the new internal Pride network, oh and we got a plane! Let’s take

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Halloween 2020 – Interview with the Season’s Scenographers

During Disney’s Halloween Festival, Disneyland Paris is transformed into a playground for spirits and ghosts thanks to the decorations imagined by Disneyland Paris’ Scenographers. But how do they go about immersing guests in the spirit of the party? Jérôme

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Disneyland Paris News & Photo Report: October 4-10, 2020

Welcome to a new edition of our weekly report! This week marked another milestone in the fight to remain open for the Resort with a new set of cost control measures announced or becoming applicable. Thankfully there’s still a

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Halloween 2020: Interview with Cosmetology Designer Nicolas Cueff

Makeup designs are instrumental when creating the magic of shows and parades at Disneyland Paris. Cosmetology designer Nicolas Cueff tells the InsidEARS Team about his job and work on Disney’s Halloween Festival. How did you become a cosmetology designer

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Halloween 2020: Interview with season Producer Osvaldo del Mistero

As we approach the start of Disney’s Halloween Festival 2020, the Insidears team has met up with Osvaldo, producer of the season: You probably remember Osvaldo del Mistero as the Disneyland Paris Ambassador in 2011-2012. Passionate about entertainment, he